Millennial parents are turning more into the Montessori based education than earlier because the need and advantages of this education format has been applauded all across the globe. If you are going for Montessori teacher training programs, the following differences between a Montessori school and a traditional school can throw some light.

• Schedule
In Montessori classrooms, there is rarely any interruption with the playing or working children. There is no fixed classroom schedule as opposed to a traditional one. This is because, Dr. Montessori believed children learn better when left to their senses and that cannot be defined by time.
• Activity
Montessori lessons have some extremely active and hands-on lessons involved. It forces children to solve problems and learn for themselves. On the contrary, the traditional pre-schools mostly teach in a way where students learn more passively by listening, memorizing and repeating the facts as taught.
• Teachers
Montessori teachers are trained to guide kids through some carefully selected activities. The idea is to remove any form of dictates regarding what should or shouldn’t be done. Traditional preschool teachers, however, have a curriculum that sets a predetermined curriculum for each class. This means, in Montessori teaching, kids are allowed to follow the individual learning path and needs depending on the learning growth of the child; however, in a traditional school every student gets to do the same set of tasks irrespective of the learning capacity.
• Environment
All Montessori based classrooms have student-centered lessons and activities. Generally in a traditional schooling, the lessons are either exam based or teacher-centered. Every student learns the same set of things through the pre-defined methods which unlike in Montessori classroom are done as per each student's need.
• Pace
Montessorians respect the learning speed of every child, This means, competition is there but at a very healthy mode which helps in not just developing the senses but also cuts out any scope of discouragement from a so-called poor performance. In traditional classrooms, all children enrolled will complete each activity at the same pace within the time allocated. If one fails, he or she does not get a chance to finish it off.
MKU Training Institute is one of the most reputed names in the Montessori circuit. For those desiring to be a Montessori teacher can enroll in the course which are extremely comprehensive and are globally acclaimed. Visit to find out more.
"Life must be the focal point and education the means" - Maria Montessori
MKU Training Institute extends its compassion and support to all individuals, and families who are significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. MKUTI strongly recommends adhering to recommendations from WHO and hope the world will soon be cured.
These are most trying times of our lives. Every discussion and decision is affected by the pandemic. Similar to the schools and colleges, the brick and mortar Montessori training centers are also off. Thanks to technology, the learning environments have now transferred into virtual ones.
It goes without saying how challenging the entire prospect is, this is particularly difficult for the kids who were learning all through the concrete examples and lessons. Even though you are a certified educator from Montessori training center, it is not ideal in a Montessori learning environment.

So, how to go about with learning process for these kids?
• The Montessori cultural curriculum
This is arguably the ideal space and time to connect children to the cultural curriculum. Shift the focus from the specified mathematics and language and try drawing a basic understanding of the cultural curriculum. You can have a conversation with the little one explaining what exactly interests them apart from studies.
Start with the basics such as the pyramids of Egypt or Emperor penguins in Antarctica. The topics could be learnt independently and the kid will develop a habit of learning beyond the basics.
• Literature
Try the audio books over iPad, Kindle and other devices and keep the kid engaged. If you are teaching online, use an online literature circle model and everyone can remain involved in the reading. For upper elementary students, fun grammar idea such as creating lines with tougher words or rewriting the favorite sentences from the literature by parts of speech are interesting options.
• Writing
Develop new writing skills such as by asking the kids to maintain a daily journal. Explore some creative writing such as poetry or letters to their best friends or grandpas whom they can't visit.
• Math
This subject brings in a lot of apprehension when kids grow up. So, at the Montessori training center math begins with concrete learning before there is any abstract learning with pencil-and-paper work. It is a developmentally appropriate procedure that is so much better than the math worksheets and also brings in a lot of interest for the kids. During these times, when the schools are closed, it would be wrong to rush these kids into the next level without clearing their concepts. Exploring measurement, telling time, logic and money problems are some attractive and building options.
Learning goes on beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. This is also the ideal time to let your kid and also you as a Montessori educator can focus on the development of their hobbies.
MKU Training Institute is one of the most revered institutes that offer an authentic Montessori learning environment. The rich and comprehensive manuals along with the various developmental modules can create certified Montessori tutors. If you are looking for an affordable Montessori training for individuals, groups or entire schools, this is where you will find content-rich training at a cost-effective price!
Visit to find out more.